
Bhosari Industrial Area MIDC, Pune - 411026


+91 020 27654694



Develop India as dominant

Hydrocarbon hubMake in IndiaHydrocarbons Vision

EMPL assists the Indian Oil and Gas measurement industry in overcoming the tremendous changes and challenges to develop India as a dominant hydrocarbon hub at the forefront of India’s energy economy.

Industry Construction

Industry Construction

Industrial construction is a specific form of building that requires expert training and highly experienced. Term automation, inspired by the earlier word, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Automotive Manufacturing

Automotive Manufacturing

The industry is made up of companies and workers who manufacture and deliver cars, trucks, and other vehicles to companies that sell them. Companies in the automotive. Our professionalism and…

Power Systems

Power Systems

The electric power industry covers the generation, transmission and sale of electric. The overall effect was that Edison’s system required power. Term automation, inspired by the earlier word.

We Will Provide Best Industrial Service For Your Business


Eximp is a specialized engineering contractor for design, construction and commissioning of field-proven innovative solutions for Custody Transfer Flow Measurement in the worldwide Oil & Gas Industry.

Our vision is to assist in developing the Indian hydrocarbon.

We Are Open For Opportunities!
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Measurement Validation Systems

Our validation solutions cover

Measurement Assurance Solutions – C-SMART
Differential Pressure Meter Validation Solution
Ultrasonic and Coriolis Validation Solution
Gas Chromatograph Validation Solution



flow computer



flow computer

Pipeline management solutions

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Our pipeline solutions cover a comprehensive suite of modules for leak, theft and line break detection, intrusion, monitoring of tightness and lifetime stress for a complete and sensitive protection of oil, gas, water and multiproduct pipelines for hydrocarbon and process services.

  • ERTTM pipeline Leak Detection systems
  • Fiber Optic DAS and DTS pipeline intrusion solutions



flow computer



flow computer

We Are Open For Opportunities!
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Experienced Engineering and Automation Team

Eximp Measurement Private Limited (EMPL) has an experienced in-house team of specialists in (flow/level/pressure) instrumentation, electrical engineering and process automation to develop highly distributed SCADA control scattered or geographically dispersed assets where centralized data acquisition and control are critical to system operation.

Looking for Adequate Solution for your Company?

Contact us today for free conslutaion or more information.

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